.NET Windows Forms Interview Questions & Answers

.NET Windows Forms Interview Online Test
1. Can you write a class without specifying namespace? Which namespace does it belong to by default?
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2. You are designing a GUI application with a window and several widgets on it. The user then resizes the app window and sees a lot of grey space, while the widgets stay in place. What is the problem?
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3. How can you save the desired properties of Windows Forms application?
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4. So how do you retrieve the customized properties of a .NET application from XML .config file?
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5. Can you automate this process?
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6. My progress bar freezes up and dialog window shows blank, when an intensive background process takes over.
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7. What is the safest way to deploy a Windows Forms app?
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8. Why is it not a good idea to insert code into InitializeComponent method when working with Visual Studio?
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9. What is the difference between WindowsDefaultLocation and WindowsDefaultBounds?
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10. What is the difference between Move and LocationChanged? Resize and SizeChanged?
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11. How would you create a non-rectangular window, let us say an ellipse?
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12. How do you create a separator in the Menu Designer?
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13. How is anchoring different from docking?
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14. Explain the role of the Form class in a .NET Windows Forms application
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15. Discuss the purpose of event handling in Windows Forms
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16. Describe the differences between a Modal and a Modeless form
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17. How does data binding work in Windows Forms
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18. What is the role of the Application class in a Windows Forms application
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19. Explain how to implement custom controls in a Windows Forms application
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20. Discuss the importance of the Invoke method in multi-threaded Windows Forms applications
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21. What is the significance of the Designer.cs file in a Windows Forms project
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22. Describe the role of the Component class in Windows Forms
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23. Explain how to handle exceptions in a Windows Forms application
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24. How do you implement drag-and-drop functionality in Windows Forms
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25. What are the differences between the TableLayoutPanel and FlowLayoutPanel
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26. Explain the concept of MDI (Multiple Document Interface) in Windows Forms
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27. Discuss the use of the ErrorProvider component in Windows Forms
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28. How do you implement localization in a Windows Forms application
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29. Explain how to use the Timer component in a Windows Forms application
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30. What is the purpose of the Control class in Windows Forms
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31. How do you implement custom painting in a Windows Forms control
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32. Discuss the significance of the Application.Run method in a Windows Forms application
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33. What is the role of the DataGridView control in Windows Forms
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34. How do you implement double buffering in Windows Forms to prevent flickering
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35. Describe the use of the OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog components
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36. Explain how to handle keyboard shortcuts in a Windows Forms application
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37. What is the purpose of the NotifyIcon component in Windows Forms
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38. How do you manage user input validation in Windows Forms
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