Basic Computer Fundamentals
Basic Computer Fundamentals
151. The device that can both feed data into and accept data from a computer is _______
- Input-Output device
- None of these
152. A pen shaped device which can sense light, and is used to point at spots on a video screen.
- Mouse
- Light pen
- Joystic
- Plotter
153. _______ is an optical input device that interprets pencil marks on paper media.
- O.M.R
- Punch card reader
- Optical scanners
- Magnetic tape
154. The section of the CPU that selects, interprets and sees to the execution of program instructions ________
- Memory
- Register unit
- Control Unit
155. A subdivision of a track on a magnetic disk or drum is _______
- Surface
- Sector
- Tape deck
- Scratch tape
156. The programs that manage the use of the computer's resources are __________
- Utility programs
- Operating system
- System software
- Application programs
158. The material in which data is input to be stored on or output from a computer is ________
- main storage
- Media
- Multiplener
- None of these
159. The place where the data or information is stored for a short time is ________
- Buffer
- Memory
- Control unit
160. A software package to implement a data base is _____________
- System analysis
- Database