Basic Operating System MCQ
Basic Operating System MCQ
291. Memory buffer register (MBR) contains
- Data that is to be written into memory
- A particular I/O device
- Exchange data between I/O module and the processor.
- The instruction most recetly fetched.
292. I/O modues move data
- Between external environment and computer
- In the computer main memory.
- In Processors.
- None of these
293. I/O OBR (I/O Buffer register) is
- Used for exchange of data between and I/O module and the processor
- Specifies particular I/O device
- (A) and (B) both true
- (A) and (B) both false
294. User-visible register
- Enables machine language programmer to minimize main memory reference by optimizing register use.
- Enables assembly language programmer to minimize main memory reference by optimizin register use.
- A and B both true.
- A and B both false.
295. The operations of the processor are supervised by
- Control and Status register
- Data register
- Address register.
296. User-visible register whch of the following do not support GUI (Graphical User Interface)
- Linux
- None of these
297. In the given operating system match the correct
- Thread
- Process
- The unit of resource ownership.
- The unit of dispatching
298. The MS-DOS an operating system supports
- Single user process and multiple threads
- Multiple user process and single thread
- Single user process and single thread
- Multiple user processes and multiple
299. The UNIX, an operating system supports
- Multiple user processes and single thread per process
- Multiple user processes and multiple threads per process.
- Single user process and single thread per process
- Single user process nd multiple threads per process
300. The java run time environment is an exampe of
- Single user process with multiple threads
- Multiple user processes with single thread per process.
- Multiple user processes with mutiple threads per process.
- None of these.