Basic Operating System MCQ
Basic Operating System MCQ
421. The S-SCAN, in disk scheduling states
- The arm movement is uni directional
- The arm movement is bdirectional
- The are is to be state fixed
- None of these
422. RAID-O does not support the following characterstics: A: RAID is a set of physical disk drives viewed by the operating system as a single logical drive. B: Data distributed across the physical drives of an array. C: Re-demdant disk capacity is used to store parity information, which gurantees data recoverability in case of a disk failure.
- A and B
- A only
- B only
- C only
423. The UNIX scheduling gives
- Highest preference to real time processes
- Highest preference to kernel mode processes
- Highest preference to user mode processes
- Highest preference to shared processes
424. In disk scheduling when SCAN (Look) policy is applied and when last track reached in one direction
- The service direction is reversed and scan proceeds in opposite direction.
- The Arm returns to the opposite end of the disk and scan begins again.
- A and B both true.
- None of these
425. In RAID (Redundant Array of independent Disks) scheme, which of the following RAID level does not include redundancy to improve performance ?
- RAID level 0
- RAID level 2
- RAID level 1
- RAID level 4
426. In which of the following RAID schemd, redundancy is achieved by the simple expedient of duplicating all the data ?
- RAID level 0
- RAID level 1
- RAID level 2
- RAID level 3
427. In shortest service time first policy, applied on disk scheduling, the disk request is selected
- That requires the least movement of disk arm from its current position.
- That requires the maximum movement of disk arm from its current position.
- That is recently received.
- On random.
428. The RAID (Redundant Array of independent disks)level one requires
- Same disk space of the logical disk that it support
- Twice disk space of the logical disk that it support
- Thrice disk space of the logical disk that it support.
- Half disk space of the logical disk that it support.
429. Match the following in RAID scheme : A-Parallel access array, B-Independent access array, 1- All member disks participate in the execution of every I/O request. 2- Each member disk participates separately in the execution of every I/O request. 3- Here spinles of the individual drives are synchronized so that each disk head is in the same position on each disk at any given time.
- A - 1, 3 and B - 2
- A - 1, and B -2, 3
- A - 2, and B- 1, 3
- A - 1, 2 and B - 3
430. The following RAID level employer parallel access technique and single redundant disk
- RAID level 0
- RAID level 1
- RAID level 2
- RAID level 3