Basic Window-Programming MCQ Question and Answer
Basic Window-Programming MCQ Question and Answer
21. Window class, onEnable/1, defines
- is executed when a window is becoming visible or is being hidden
- when a windw is being disabled or enabled this event is executed
- this event is executed when the user switches to another window of the same application
- when a window receives the keyboard focus this event is executed
22. Window class, onKBFOCUS/3, defines
- is executed when a window is becoming visible or is being hidden
- when a window is being disabled or enabled this event is executed
- this event is executed when the user switches to another window of the same application
- when a window receives the keyboard focus this event is executed
23. Window class, onMouseMove/5, defines
- the window wants to know what cursor it must display for the mouse pointer
- the muse is moved over a window
- when a mouse button is pressed this event is executed
- a mouse button is released
24. Window class, onMouseDown/5, defines
- the window wants to know what cursor it must display for the mouse pointer
- the muse is moved over a window
- when a mouse button is pressed this event is executed
- a mouse button is released
25. Window class, onMouseUp/5, defines
- the window wants to know what cursor it must display for the mouse pointer
- the mouse is moved over a window
- when a mouse button is presed this event is executed
- a mouse button is released
26. Window class, onMouseDoubleClick/5, defines
- a muse button was double clicked
- the user clicks on a window
- a key on the keyboard is pressed
- a key on the keyboard is released
27. Window class, onClick/1, defines
- a mouse button was double clicked
- the user clicks on a window
- a key on the keyboard is pressed
- a key on the keyboard is released
28. Window class, onKeyDown/3, defines
- a mouse button was double clicked
- the user clicks on a window
- a key on the keyboard is pressed
- a key on the keyboard is released
29. Window class, onKeyUp/3, defines
- a key on the keyboard is pressed
- a key on the keyboard is released
- a mouse button was double clicked
- a key on the keyboard is released
30. Window class, onKeyUp/3, defines
- a key on the keyboard is pressed
- a key on the keyboard is released
- A mouse button was double clicked
- the user clicks on a window