C - Control Flow Constructions
C - Control Flow Constructions
21. What is tthe value of x in the expression x = (a = 10, a*a) ?
- invalid expression
- 0
- 10
- 100
23. What is the result of a multiple expression separated by commas ?
- result of the leftmost expression after evaluation
- result of the rightmost expression after evaluating all other previous expressions
- no value is returned
- result of arithmetic operations, if any
24. Which is the correct statement ?
- while loop can be nested
- for loop can be nested
- options a and b
- one type of a loop cannot be nested in another type of loop
25. The break statement is used to
- continue the next iteration of a loop construct
- exit the block where it exists and continues further sequentially
- exit the outermost block even if it occurs inside the innermost block and continues further sequentially
- terminate the program
26. The continue statement is used to
- continue the next iteration of a loop construct
- exit the block where it exists and continues further
- exit the outermost block even if it occurs inside the innermost
- Continue the compliation even an error occurs in a program
27. The continue statement is used in
- selective control structures only
- loop control structures only
- options a and b
- goto control structure only
28. The break statement is used in
- Selective control structures only
- loop control structures only
- options a and b
- Switch-case control structures only
29. If break statement is omitted in each case statement
- The program executes the statements following the case statement where a match is found and exits the switch-case construct.
- The program executes the statements following the case statement where a match is found and also all the subsequent case statements and default statements.
- The program executes default statement only and continues with the remaining code.
- Syntax error is produced
30. If default statement is omitted and there is no match with case labels
- No statement within switch-case will be executed.
- Syntax error is produced.
- Executes all the statements in the switch-case construct.
- Executes the last case statement only.