C - Files and Preprocessors
C - Files and Preprocessors
21. The function (s) used for reading formatted input data from a file is (are)
- getchar ()
- fscanf( )
- scanf()
- gets( )
23. What is the value of origin used in fseek(fptr, position, origin);?
to represent end of file
to represent end of file
- 0
- 1
- 2
24. What is the value of origin used in fseek(fptr, position, origin);?
to represent the beginnin of the file
to represent the beginnin of the file
- 0
- 1
- 2
27. The function ftel (fptr) returns
- the beginning position of the file represented by fptr
- the end position of the file represented by fptr
- the current position of the file represented by fptr
- the middle position of the file represented by fptr
28. The value returned by successful the current file position
- -1
- 0
- long int value representing the current file position
30. The function call fseek(fp, 0, 0) is same as
- fp = fopen ( )
- rrewind (fp);
- fclose (fp);
- ftell (fp);