C Language - Input/Output
C Language - Input/Output
21. Conversion specification includes
- \ and a conversion character
- / and a conversion character
- & and a conversion character
- % and a conversion character
22. Identify the correct statement given double x;
- scanf ("%d", & x);
- scanf ("%f", x);
- sfanf ("%d", *x);
- scanf ("% | f ", & x) ;
23. Identify the correct statement (s) given float y;
- scanf ("%e", & y);
- scanf ("%i", & y);
- scanf ("%g", &y);
- options a and c
24. For the given scanf () statementt, what is the form of input expected ?
scanf ("%D, %d. %d", &date, &month, &year);
scanf ("%D, %d. %d", &date, &month, &year);
- 22.4.1972
- 22 4 1972
- 22/4/1972
- options a and b
25. Identify the wrong statement given, int x; float y; char z;
- scanf ("%d, %f, %c", &x, &y, &z);
- scanf ("%d, %f, %c", &x, &y,z);
- scanf("Rs. %d, %f, %c"< &x, &y, &z);
- options a and c.
26. What are the values of x, y and z, if 25 20 30 are given as inputs for scanf("d %*d%d", &x, &y, &z);
- x = 25,y is not assigned, z = 30
- x = 25, y = 20, z = 30
- x = 25, y = 30, z is not assigned
- x = 25, y is not assigned, z = 20
27. What are the values of a, b and c, given int a, c' float b; with inputs as 50, 3.52, 20 for the statement scanf("%2d % 2d', &p, &q); ?
- x = 356 y =47
- x = 35 y = 6
- x = 35 y = 4
- x = 35 y = 47
28. Char p,q; scanf("%c%Is', &p, &q); what are the values assigned, if x and y are given as inputs ?
- P = x and q = blank
- p = x and q is not assigned
- p = x and q = y
- p = x and q = x
29. Identify the correct statement(s) given the declaration char x, y;
- scanf ("%c%c', &x, &y);
- scanf ("%c%1s", &x, &y);
- scanf ("%* [] %c", &x, &y);
- all the above
30. What is the the value returned by printf () function, if an error occurs ?
- Positive value
- 0
- Negative value
- 1