C- Memory Map Question and Answer
C- Memory Map Question and Answer
91. The assembly equivalent code for exit(0) is .
- mov ax, 4c00h int 20h
- mov ax, 4c00h int 21h
- mov dx, 4c00h int 21h
- mov ax, 9h int22h
92. Why 80085 processor is called an 8 bit processor /
- Because 8085 processor has 8 bit ALU
- Because 8085 processor has 16 bit ALU
- Because 8085 processor has 32 bit ALU
- Because 8085 processor has 64 bit ALU
93. What does microprocessor speed depend on ?
- The processing speed depends on DATA BUS WIDTH
- The processing speed depends on Address BUS WIDTH
- The processing speed depends on Registers WIDTH
- None of these
94. A portion of RAM used for aving the content of program Counter and general purpose registers is called.
- Stack memory
- heap memory
- Data memory
- None of these
95. 'Type 5' is the same as
- segmentation fault
- Null pointer assingment
- invalid indirection
- None of these
96. The sources can be compiled without modification for DOS, Windows or Lunux operating systems
- Portability
- Extensible
- Performance hit
- None of these
97. The operating system sets up and maintain a table for each running program alled
- Process memory map
- Page table
- IVT table
- None o these
98. Operating system is always present in
- low memory
- upper memory
- Heigh memory
- Extended memory
99. Which of the following is true
- A physical address is an address represented by bits on a physical address bus
- A logical address is a storage location addres that may or may not relate directly to a physical location
- A linear address is memory that is addressed starting with 0
- All the above
100. Which of the following statement is not true
- 8186 has ode segment register.
- 8086 has program segment register.
- 8086 has data segment register.
- 8086 has stacks segment register.