C - Structure and Union
C - Structure and Union
11. A structure can have
- pointers as its members
- scalar data type as its members
- structure as its members
- al the above
12. The structure declaration
struct person {char name [20]; the int age; struct person woman;};
struct person {char name [20]; the int age; struct person woman;};
- is a valid nested structure
- is not a valid nested structure
- uses an invalid data type
- is a self-referential structure
13. A structure
- allows arrray of structure
- does not allow array of structures
- does not use array as its members
- is a scalar data type
14. In a structure definition,
- initialization of structure members are possible
- initialization of array of structures are possible
- both options a and b
- initialization of array of structures are not possible
16. If one or more members of a structure are pointers to the same structute, the structute is known as
- nested structure
- invalid structure
- self-referential structure
- structured structure
17. If one or more members of a structure are other structures, the structure is known as
- nested structure
- invalid structure
- self-referential structure
- unstructured structure
18. What type of structure is created by the folowing definition ?
struct first {... ; struct second *s;};
struct second {... ; struct first *f;};
struct first {... ; struct second *s;};
struct second {... ; struct first *f;};
- Nested structure
- Self-referential structure
- invalid structure
- Structured structure
19. The changes made in the members of a structure are not available in the calling function if
- pointer to structure is passed as argument
- the members other than pointer type are passed as arguments
- structure variable is passed as argument
- both options b and c
20. The changes made in the members of a structure ae available in the calling function if
- pointer to structure is passed as argument
- structure variable is passed
- the members other than pointer type are passed as arguments
- both options a and c