Co- Operative Bank Exam

Co- Operative Bank Exam
1. Name the Co-operative institution which bagged ‘Coffey International Award 2011’ for providing unique mobile service empowering the farmers through timely information delivery:
  • IFFCO Kissan Sanchar Ltd
  • Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO)
  • None of these
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2. Who is considered to be the father of Co- operative movement in India?
  • Robert Owen
  • Frederic Nicholson
  • Edward Law
  • Dupernix
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3. The largest milk producing nation in 2010-11 was:
  • India
  • Japan
  • Denmark
  • Ireland
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4. Headquarters of Indian Farmers Fertilizer Co operative (IFFCO) is at:
  • Kalol
  • Kandla
  • Gujarat
  • New Delhi
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5. The National Level institution for co operative marketing is:
  • NCCT
  • NCUI
  • NCCF
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6. The new generation Co operative bank which has won the “Frontiers in Co operative banking Award, 2011” for best technological innovations including Advanced Data Centre, IBM Server Technology, Mobile Banking etc.
  • Hindustan Co operative Bank Ltd (HCBL)
  • Kerala State Co operative Bank (KSCB)
  • Saraswat Co operative Bank (SCB)
  • None of these
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7. The training institute sponsored by NABARD is:
  • NCCT
  • BIRD
  • None of these
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8. HUDCO associated with:
  • Horticulture
  • Housing
  • Textiles
  • None of these
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9. The National Agricultural Credit Stabilisation Fund has to be constituted by:
  • RBI
  • SBI
  • None of these
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10. AMUL stands for:
  • Anand Milk Marketing Union Ltd
  • Anand Milk Union Ltd
  • Amul Milk Market Society
  • None of these
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