GK-Financial MCQ Question and Answer
GK-Financial MCQ Question and Answer
91. Auditor shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum period of ……… under Section 539 for falsification in the books of accounts.
- 3 years
- 5 years
- 7 years
- 9 years
92. “Auditor is not an insurer.” In which of the following cases, the decision has been given ?
- The Kingston Cotton Mills Co. Ltd. (1986)
- London & General Bank (1895)
- Allen Craig & Co. Ltd. (1934)
- Irish Woollen Co. Ltd.
93. The Section 80A of the Companies’ Act is related with the redemption of—
- Debentures
- Redeemable preference shares
- Irredeemable preference shares
- None of the above
94. Company Auditor is responsible—
- For directors
- For shareholders
- For public
- For creditors
95. In Balance Sheet, Audit Accounts are audited—
- Monthly
- Bi-monthly
- Annually or half yearly
- Quarterly
96. Audit adopted by banking company is—
- Continuous Audit
- Periodical Audit
- Internal Audit
- Balance Sheet Audit
97. Which of the following have lien of Company Auditor ?
- Books of Accounts of the Company
- Vouchers of the Company
- Auditor’s working paper
- All of the above
98. To appoint new auditor in place of retiring auditor, to adopt the procedure, which section of Companies’ Act, 1956 is applicable ?
- 223
- 224
- 225
- 226
99. “A company has a separate legal existence from its members.” This principle was first laid down in case of—
- Saloman Vs. Saloman & Co. Ltd. (1897)
- Daimler Co. Ltd. Vs. Continental Tyre & Rubber Co. (1916)
- State of U. P. Vs. Renu Sagar Power Co. (1991)
- Santunu Roy Vs. Union of India (1989)
100. According to ownership, Government Company means ……… share.
- Whose paid-up share capital’s 48%, shares are owned by Governmen
- Whose paid-up share capital’s 49% shares are owned by Government
- Whose paid-up share capital’s 50% shares are owned by Government
- Whose paid-up share capital’s 51% shares are owned by Government