GRE Verbal Section- Analogy
GRE Verbal Section- Analogy
191. President Anwar el ------ Sadat of Egypt, disregarding - criticism in the Alab world and in his own Government, ------accepted prime minister Menahem Begin's invitation to visit Israel in order to address the Israeli parliament.
- acrimonious - formally
- blemished - stiffly
- categorical - previously
- malignant - plaintively
192. In his usual ------ manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss.
- pensive
- providential
- indifferent
- circumspect
193. We never believed that he would resort to ------ in order to achieve his goal; we always regarded him as a ------ man.
- charm - insincere
- necromancy - pietistic
- logic - honorable
- prestidigitation - articulate
194. The Sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was ------ by pointing out that it did not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.
- unproven
- banal
- superficial
- complex
195. Despite assorted effusion to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and quite possibly, there may be something of a ------ between them.
- dichotomy
- congruity
- reciprocity
- fusion
196. The most technologically advanced societies have been responsible for the greatest ------ indeed savagery seems to be indirect proposition to ------
- inventions - know-how
- wars - viciousness
- triumphs - civilizations
- atrocities - development
197. Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater ------ their efforts to build as Progressive Party than the ------ of the progressive already elected to the legislature.
- obstacle to - resistance
- support for - advocacy
- praise for - reputation
- threat to - promise
198. The simplicity of the theory ------ its main attraction - is also its - for only by ------ the assumptions of the theory is it possible to explain the most recent observations made by researchers.
- glory - rejecting
- liability - accepting
- undoing - supplementing
- downfall - considering
199. That the Third Battalion's fifty percent casually rate transformed its assault on Hill 306 from a brilliant stratagem into a debacle does not ------ eyewitness reports of its commander's extra-ordinary ------ in deploying his forces
- invalidate - brutality
- gainsay - cleverness
- underscore - ineptitude
- justify - rapidity
200. No longer ------ by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity, many people try to find intellectual ------ for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.
- satisfied - reasons
- reassured - justifications
- restricted - parallels
- sustained - substitutes