Logic and Reasoning MCQ Question and Answer

Logic and Reasoning MCQ Question and Answer
331. Four defensive football players are chasing
the opposing wide receiver, who has the ball.
Calvin is directly behind the ball carrier.
Jenkins and Burton are side by side behind
Calvin. Zeller is behind Jenkins and Burton.
Calvin tries for the tackle but misses and
falls. Burton trips. Which defensive player
tackles the receiver?
  • Burton
  • Zeller
  • Jenkins
  • Calvin
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332. Danielle has been visiting friends in Ridgewood
for the past two weeks. She is leaving
tomorrow morning and her flight is very
early. Most of her friends live fairly close to
the airport. Madison lives ten miles away.
Frances lives five miles away, Samantha,
seven miles. Alexis is farther away than
Frances, but closer than Samantha. Approximately
how far away from the airport is
  • nine miles
  • seven miles
  • eight miles
  • six miles
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333. Ms. Forest likes to let her students choose
who their partners will be; however, no pair
of students may work together more than
seven class periods in a row. Adam and Baxter
have studied together seven class periods
in a row. Carter and Dennis have worked
together three class periods in a row. Carter
does not want to work with Adam. Who
should be assigned to work with Baxter?
  • Carter
  • Adam
  • Dennis
  • Forest
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334. At the baseball game, Henry was sitting in
seat 253. Marla was sitting to the right of
Henry in seat 254. In the seat to the left of
Henry was George. Inez was sitting to the left
of George. Which seat is Inez sitting in?
  • 251
  • 254
  • 255
  • 256
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