Mental Ability - Number, Ranking & Time Sequence

Mental Ability - Number, Ranking & Time Sequence
51. Kailash remembers that his brother Deepak's birthday falls after 20th May but before 28th May, while Geeta remembers that Deepak's birthday falls before 22nd May but after 12th May. On what date Deepak's birthday falls /
  • 20th May
  • 21st May
  • 22nd May
  • Cannot be determined
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52. Saneeta remebers that her father's birthday was certainly after eighth but before thirteenth of December. her sister Natasha remembers that their father's birthday was defiitely after ninth but before fourteenth of December. On whch date of December was their father's birthday ?
  • 10th
  • 11th
  • 12th
  • Data inadequate
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53. Standing on a platform, Amit told Sunita that aligarh was more than ten kilometres but less than fifteen kilometres frm there. Sunita knew that it was more than twelve but less then fourteen kilometres from there.  If both of them were correct, which of the following could be the distance f aligarh from the platform ?
  • 11 km
  • 12 km
  • 13 km
  • 14 km
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54. Ashish leaves his hose at 20 minutes to seven in the morning, reaches Kunal's house in 25 minutes, they finish their breakfast in another 15 minutes and leave for their office which takes another 35 minutes. At what time do they leave Kunal's house to reach their office ?
  • 7.40 a.m.
  • 7.20 a.m.
  • 4.45 a.m.
  • 8.15 a.m.
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55. Ajay left home for the bus stop 15 ,minutes earlier than usual. It takes 10 minutes to reach the stop. He reached the stop at 8.40 a.m. What time does he usually leave home for the bus stop ?
  • 8.30 a.m.
  • 8.45 p.m.
  • 8.55 a.m.
  • Data inadequate
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56. Reaching the place of meeting on Tuesday 15 minutes before 08.30 hours, Anuj found himself half an hour earlier than the man who was 40minutes late. What was the scheduled time of the meeting ?
  • 8.00 hrs
  • 8.05 hrs
  • 8.15 hrs
  • 8.45 hrs
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57. The priest told the devotee, "The temple bell is rung at regular intervals of 45 minutes. The last bell was rung five minutes ago. the next bell is due to be rung at 7.45 a.m. " at  what time did the priest give his information to the devotes ?
  • 7.40 a.m.
  • 7.05 a.m.
  • 7.00 a.m.
  • 6.55 a.m.
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58. The train for lucknow leaves evey two and a half hours from New Delhi Railway Station. An annuncement was made at the station that the train for Lucknow had left 40 minutes ago and the next train will leave at 18.00 hrs. At wht time was the announcement made ?
  • 15.30 hrs
  • 17.10 hrs
  • 16.00 hrs
  • 15.50 hrs
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59. An application was received by inward cerk in the afternoon of a week day. Next day he forwarded it to the table of the senior clerk, who was on leave that day. the senior clerk next day evening put up the application to the desk officer. Desk oficer studied the application and disposed off the matter on the same day i.e. Friday. Which day was the application received by the inward clerk /
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Earlier week's Saturday
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60. There are twenty peope working in an office. The first group of five works between 8.00 A.M. and 2.00 P.M. The second group of ten works between 10.00 A.M. and 4.00 P.M. And the third group of five works between 12 noon and 6.00 P.M. There are three computers in the office which all the empoyees frequently use. during which of the following hours the computers are likely to be used most ?
  • 10.00 A.M. - 12 noon
  • 12 noon - 2.00 P.M.
  • 1.00 P.M. - 3.00 P.M.
  • 2.00 P.M. - 4.00 P.M.
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