Microsoft Access MCQ Question and Answer
Microsoft Access MCQ Question and Answer
11. Press the following keys in Access to Save a database object
- CTRL + P
- P or CTR +P
- CTRL + S or SHIFT + F12
- F12
12. Press the following keys in Access to Open the Save As dialog box
- CTRL + P
- P or CTRL + P
- CTRL +S or SHIFT + F12
- F12
14. In Access to Refresh the contents of a Lookup field (Lookup field: A filed, Used on a form or report in an Access database, that either displays a list of values retrieved from a table or query, or stores a static set of values) list box or combo box
- F9
16. When using Access Database, use this feature to have Access select only certain records in the database to prepare form letters.
- Report
- Table
- Query
- Tools
18. In Access press...................................... to move the selected control to the left (except controls that are part of a layout)
- CTRL + C
- CTRL + X
- CTRL + V
- None of these
19. In Access press .................................... to Move the selected control to the right (except controls that are part of a layout)
- CTRL + C
- CTRL + X
- CTRL + V
- None of these
20. In Access Press ..................................... to Cut the selected control and copy and copy it to the
- CTRL + C
- CTRL + X
- CTRL + V
- None of these