Microsoft Access MCQ Question and Answer
Microsoft Access MCQ Question and Answer
81. To display sales grouped by country, region, and salesperson, all at the same time.
- Use the Sort Descending command
- Use the Pivot table view commain
- Use the Find command on specified goups
- All above
82. The checking operation performed on input data is called the
- Validation of data
- Verification of data
- Cross check
- Control of data
83. A form defines
- Where data is placed on the screen
- The width of each field
- Both (A) and (B)
- All of the above
84. The insert a graphic of your company's logo on a report
- Click the image button on the toolbox and drag on the report to draw a place holder for the graphics
- You can't Microsoft Access won't let you insert graphics files
- Select Insert > Picture from the menu
- Select Tools > Insert Picture from the menu
85. The Fill/back Color button on the formatting toolbar applies color to :
- The border fo the selected control
- The text in the selected control
- Al aspects of the control
- The background of the selected control
86. The type of query extract the data and put them into separate table
- A parameter query
- A make-table query
- An update query
- A crosstab query
87. The following criterion is NOT written using the proper syntax ?
- "Haris"
- <500
- Between #1/200# and #12/31/200#
88. (IF [Age]>65, "Senior", Adult") This expression is an example of :
- A conditional expression
- Algebraic expression
- something that belongs in a Microsoft Excel Book
- A financial expression
89. The following property determines what is displayed in a control.
- The control source property
- The display property
- The data property
90. You view properties of a form
- Select View>Form properties form the menu
- Right click anywhere on the form and select properties from the shortcut menu
- Double click the form selector box in the upper left corner of the form
- All of the above