Microsoft Excel MCQ Question and Answer
Microsoft Excel MCQ Question and Answer
241. In Excel you can open the scenario Manager dialog box by choosing scnearios from the ................. menu.
- View
- Insert
- Format
- Tools
242. In Excel you can open the scnario Manager dialog box by choosing scenarios from the ................. menu
- View
- Insert
- Tools
- Data
243. In Excel to edit in an embedded excel worksheet object in a word document
- Use the excel menu bar and toolbars inside the word application
- Edit the hyperlink
- Edit the data in a excel source application
- Use the Word menu bar and toolbars
244. In Excel to create a formula, you can use
- Values but not call references
- Cell references but not values
- Values or cell references although not both at the same time
- Value and cell references
245. In Excel when workng in the page break preview, you can
- View exactly where each page break ccurs
- Add or remove page breaks
- Change the print area
- All of above
246. In Excel Rounding errors can occur
- When you use multiplication, dividion r exponention in a formula
- When you use addition and subtraction in a formula
- Because Excel uses hidden decimal places in computation
- When you show the resuts of formulas with different decimal places than the calculated results
247. In Excel you can copy data or formulas
- With the copy, paste and cut commands on the edit menu
- With Commands on a shortut menu
- With buttons on the standard toolbar
- All of the above
249. In Excel to activate the previus cell n a preselected range, press
- The Alt key
- The Tab key
- The Enter key
- None of the above
250. In Excel when the formula bar is active, you can see
- The edit formula button
- The cancel button
- The enter button
- All of the above