Microsoft-PowerPoint Question and Answer
Microsoft-PowerPoint Question and Answer
171. In Microsoft PowerPoint the following is not a feature PowerPoint
- Printing transparencies
- Printing the speaker's notes along with slide images
- Linking a slide transition with a laser pointer
- Drawing with a pen
172. In Microsoft PowerPoint the option can be used to create a new slide show with the current slides but presented in a different rder
- Rehearsal
- Custom slider show
- Slide show setup
- Slide show view
173. In Microsoft PowerPoint the following are actions you can assign to an action button or slide object
- Run a macro
- Play a sound
- Hyper link
- All of above
174. Which option in PowerPoint allows to carry slides from one computer to another ?
- Save As
- Save and Go
- Pak and Go
- Web and Go
175. In Microsoft PowerPoint the handout master contains placeholders fro all of the following except
- Slide number
- Title
- Footer
- Header