PHP MCQ Question and Answer
PHP MCQ Question and Answer
11. Identify the variable scope that is not supported by PHP
- Local variables
- Function parameters
- Hidden variables
- Global variables
12. Variable scope on which a variable does not loose its value when the function exists and use that value if the function is called again is:
- Local
- function parameter
- static
- None of above
13. The left association operator % is used in PHP for
- percentage
- bitwise or
- division
- modulus
14. The left associative dot operator (.) is used in PHP for
- multiplication
- concatenation
- separate object and its member
- delimeter
15. Trace the false statement
- Any code found within an included file will inherit the variable scope of the location of its caller
- Because the included code will be embedded in a PHP execution block, the PHP execution block, the PHP escape tags ( Wink aren't required on the file to be included
- For the inclusion of remote files the allow-url-pope must be enabled ad URL wrapper must be supported
- Including a file produces the same result as copying the data from the file specified into the location in which the statement appears.
16. Which of the following functions require the allow-url-fopen must be enabled?
- include()
- require()
- both of above
- None of above
17. Which function includes the specified file even the statement evaluates to false in which block the function is placed.
- include ()
- require ()
- both of above
- None of above
18. On failure of which statement the script execution stops displaying error/warning message?
- rinclude ()
- require ()
- both of above
- None of above
19. Trace the function that does continue the script execution even if the file inclusion fails
- include ()
- require ()
- both of above
- None of above
20. A script is a
- Program or sequence of instructions that is interpreted or carried out by processor directly
- Program or sequence of instruction that is interpreted or carried out by another program
- Program or sequence of instruction that is interpreted or carried out by web server only
- None of above