Political-Science Question and Answer
Political-Science Question and Answer
42. Jhum cultivation by cutting and burning trees is in practice by indigenous tribes in:
- Karnataka
- North-Eastern States
- Orissa
- Jammu and Kashmir
43. Which one of the following social movements is driven more by identity, concerns rather than the ideological concerns?
- Narmada movement
- Farmers’ movement Karnataka against the MNCs
- Sub – caste reservation movements among the Scheduled Castes
- Anti-liquor shop campaign in Andhra Pradesh
44. Match List -I (Movements) with List- II (Issues) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists:
List –I List-II
A. Panthers 1. Agrarian relations
B. Chipko 2. Environmental
C. Jharkhand 3. Exploitation discrimination
D. Tebhaga 4. Statehood
List –I List-II
A. Panthers 1. Agrarian relations
B. Chipko 2. Environmental
C. Jharkhand 3. Exploitation discrimination
D. Tebhaga 4. Statehood
- 4 2 3 1
- 3 1 4 2
- 4 1 3 2
- 3 2 4 1
45. In the eyes of a radical feminist, gender equality can be achieved through:
- gradual reform
- getting more women elected in legislatures
- challenging patriarchy
- class struggle
46. Which one of the following is not a peasant movement?
- Kheda movement
- Tabligh movement
- Telengana movement
- Tebhaga movement
47. Which one of the following non-governmental organizations is exclusively involved in human rights advocacy?
- Oxfam
- Ford foundation
- Amnesty International
- Caritas
48. The most essential principle of liberalism is:
- Equality
- Social justice
- Freedom
- Democracy
49. Which one of the following doctrines rejects the role of the State as an instrument of social transformation?
- Guild socialism
- Syndicalism
- Fabian socialism
- Marxian socialism
50. The formula “from each according to his ability to each according to his work” for the system of distribution in the State was given by:
- G.D.H. Cole
- Sorel
- H.G. Wells
- Lenin