Quantitative Apitude-Data Interpretation
Quantitative Apitude-Data Interpretation
1. During the year 1993-94, the percentage increase in production of wheat over the previous year was :
- 26.4%
- 20.9%
- 23.6%
- 18.7%
2. In the year 1992-93, the increase in production was maximum for :
- wheat
- rice
- maize
- other cereals
3. During 1991-92, the percentage of decrease in the production of maize was :
- 2.63%
- 2.56%
- 2.71%
- 2.47%
4. The increase in the production of other cereals was minimum during the year :
- 1990-91
- 1991-92
- 1992-93
- 1993-94