Software Engineering MCQ
Software Engineering MCQ
41. Itertive model includes
- Waterfall model
- Sequential model
- Incremental development
- Random model
42. In iterative process moel, software process represents
- Sequential activities
- Cycle of activities
- Random activities
- None of these
43. In spiral development the software process form
- Sequences
- Loops
- Zigzag
- None of these
44. Spiral development involves
- Risk assessment
- Reduction of risk
- A and B both
- None of these
45. Re quirement Engineering involves
- Feasibility studies
- Requirement analysis
- Requirement validation
- All the above
46. Analysis and design workbench
- It supports system modeling during the analysis and design stages of the software process
- Organization responsible ffor approving U.S. standards
- Stimuli that occurs irregularly
- Formalized set of software calls and routines that can be referenced by an appliation program in order to access supporting system or network services
47. ANSI (American National Standards Institute is
- it supports system moeling during the analysis and design stages of the software process
- Organization responsible for approving U.S. standards
- Stimuli that occurs irregularly
- Formalized set of software calls and routines that can be referenced by an application program in order to access supporting system or network services
48. Aperiodic stimuli is
- It supports system modeling during the analysis and design stages of the software process
- Organization responsible for approving U.S. standards
- Stimuli that occurs irregularly
- Formalized set of software calls and routines that can be referenced by an application program in order to access supporting system or network services
49. Which is not the part of software process ?
- Software specification
- Software design
- Software evolution
- Software selling
50. Which one is not the generic process model ?
- Waterfall model
- Evoluttionary development
- Re-use oriented development
- Marketing model