Basic Computer Fundamentals
Basic Computer Fundamentals
261. Data processing computer built to conventional architecture is _________
- super computer
- mainframe
- micro computer
- mini computer
262. The material on which data is input to, stored on or output from a computer is ________
- media
- register unit
263. A fully functional computing device containing all the elements of a computer which is built around a MICROPROCESSOR is ______
- machine-in-built computer
- super computer
- micro computer
- mini computer
264. A type of channel used to connect a central processor and peripherals which uses multiplying is _______
- modem
- network
- multiplener
- none of these
265. A stand-alone system which produces one page of printed output at a time is _________
- page printer
- line printer
- golf-ball printer
- dot matrix printer
266. The complete picture of data stored in a database is ________
- record
- scheme
- group
267. The average time necessary for the correct sector of a disk to arrive at the read write head is ___________
- down time
- seek time
- rotational delay
- access time
268. The technique whereby a computer or other control unit 'asks' terminals if they have data to transmit is ________
- protocol
- pointer
- polling
- none of these
269. A peripheral device in hwich the storage medium used is magnetic tape is _________
- keyboard
- punched card
- tape deck
270. A peripheral forming part of an interactive work station is ________
- printer
- mouse
- terminals
- joystick