Basic Computer Fundamentals
Basic Computer Fundamentals
251. A device attached to a terminal which accepts the handset of a standard telephone is ________
- light pen
- acoustic couple
- plotter
- magnetic-ink character
252. A generalised software package produced to meet the bugs of a variety of data processing users is _______
- utility programs
- system software
- operating system
- application package
253. Any storage device added to a computer beyond the immediately usable main storage is _________
- floppy disk
- hard disk
- backing store
- punched card
254. Codes consisting of light and dark marks which may be optically read is ________
- mnemonics
- bar code
- decoder
- none of these
255. a path by which communication is achieved between a central processor and other devices is _____
- audit trail
- network
- bus
- channel
256. The term used to denote the combination of hardware devices used to make a computers system is _______
- configuration
- control unit
- register unit
257. The period during which a computer is inoperable due to mechanical or other failure is ________
- access time
- downtime
- seek time
- real time
258. ________ acts as its own interface between a host PROCESSOR and the network.
- distributed processing
- direct access storage device
- front-end processor
- none of these
259. The main computer in a network is ______
- host processor
- front-end processor
- commentator
260. A computer peripheral that prints one line of output at a time is ________
- dot matrix printer
- daisy wheel printer
- line printer
- serial printer