Basic Computer Fundamentals
Basic Computer Fundamentals
242. ________ is an input device that reads printed text employing optical character pattern matching.
- scanner
- magnetic disk
- mouse
- magnetic tape
243. _________ is a device to allow the conversation of bits into analog electrical impulses.
- mouse
- modem
- light pen
- none of these
244. ________ is a graphics output device which points on paper attached to a flat surface.
- magnetic-ink character
- printer
- flat bed plotter
245. The first generation of commercially available micros was based on the use of ______ bit micro processors.
- 6
- 8
- 16
- 32
246. A common method of obtaining bulk output is via a device known as ________
- dot matrix printer
- daisy wheel printer
- line printer
- laser printer
248. The output that is obtained on the screen is called as ________
- hard copy
- soft copy
- none of these
249. In the _________ mode, each program is executed from the beginning to the end without pause.
- interactive
- time-sharing
- batch mode
- real time processing
250. A device called _________ is used to increase the efficiency of the system
- monitor
- printer
- keyboard
- paper tape