Basic Computer Security MCQ
Basic Computer Security MCQ
11. It is a toolkit for hiding the fact that a computer's security has been compromised, is a general discription of a set of programs which work to subvert control of an operating system from its legitimate (in accordance with established rules) operators.
- Rootkit
- Keylogger
- Worm
- Cracker
12. Packet Sniffer is
- an application that captures TCP/IP data packets, which can maliciously be used to capture passwords and other data while it is in transit either within the computer or over the network
- a situation in which one person or program successfully masquerades as another by falsifying data and thereby gaining illigitimate access.
- a toolkit for hiding the fact that a computer's security has been compromised, is a general description of a set of programs which work to subvert control of an operating system from its legitimate (in accordance with established rules) operators.
- None of these
13. Rootkit is
- an application that captures TCP/IP data packets, which can maliciously be used to capture passwords and other data while it is in transit either within the computer or over the network.
- a situation in which one person or program successfully masquerades as another by falsifying data and thereby gaining illegimate access.
- a toolkit for hiding the fact that a computer's security has been compromised, is a general description of a set of programs which work to subvert control of an operating system from its legitimate (in accordance with established rules )operators.
- None of these
14. Spoofing attach is
- an appliation that captures TCP/IP data packets, which can maiciously be used to capture passwords and other data while it is in transit either within the computer or over the network.
- a situation in which one person or program successfully masquerades as another by falsifying data and thereby gaining illegitimate access.
- a toolkit for hiding the fact that a computer's secirity has been compromised, is a general description of a set of programs whch work to subvert control of an operating system from its legitimate (in accordance with established rules) operators.
- None of these
15. Security exploit is
- a perpared application that takes advantage of a knwn weakness.
- a tool used to quickly check computers on a network for known weaknesses.
- an application that captures TCP/IP data packets, which can maliciousy be used to capture passwords and other data while it is in transit either withn the computer or over the network.
- a situation in which one person or program successfully masquerades as another by falsifying data and thereby gaining illegimate access.
16. a spoofing attack is
- a prepared application that takes advantage of a known weakness.
- a tool used to quickly check computers on a network for known weaknesses.
- an application that captures TCP/IP data packets, which can maliciously be used to capture passwords and other data while it is in transit either within the computer or over the network
- a situation in which one person or program successfully masquerades as another by falsifying data and thereby gaining ilegiitimate access.
17. White hat is
- hacker breaks security for altruistic or at least non-malicious reasons.
- hacker of ambiguous ethics and/or borderline legality, often frankly admitted.
- Someone outside computer security consulting firms that are used to bug test a system prior to its launch, looking for expliuts so they can be closed.
- None of these
18. Grey hat is
- hacker breaks security for altruistic or at least non-malicious reasons.
- hacker of ambiguous ethics and/or borderline legality, often frankly admitted.
- Some outside computer security consulting firms that are used to bug test a system prior to its launch, looking for exploits so they can be closed.
- None of these
19. Blue hat is
- hacker breaks suricity for altruistic or at least non-malicious reasons
- hacker of ambguous ethics and/or borderline legality, often frankly admitted.
- Someone outside computer security cosnsultng firms that are used to bug test a system prior to its launch, looking for exploits so they can be closed.
- None of these
20. Black hat is
- someone who sobverts computer security without authorization or who uses technology (usually a computer or the internet )for terrorism, vandalism (malicious destruction), credit card fraud, identity theft, intellectual property theft, or many other types
- a person, usually not an expert in computer security, who breaks into computer systems by using pre-packaged utomated tools written by others.
- hacker who utilizes technology to announce a political message.
- None of these