Basic Operating System MCQ
Basic Operating System MCQ
471. A task n a blocked state is
- Executable
- Waiting for some temporarily unavailable resource
- Running
- None of these
472. Semaphores
- are used to do I/O
- Synchronize critical resources to prevent contention
- Synchornize critical resources to prevent deadlock.
- allow processes to communicate with one another
473. Priorities
- are used to schedule processes
- Increase as a process remains in the processor
- are attached to each page in the system
- are assigned by the user
474. Dijkstra's bankerj's algorithm in an operating-system solves the problem of
- deadlock avoidance
- deadlock recovery
- Mutual exculsion
- context switching
475. Which structure prohibits the sharing of files and directions
- tree structure
- one level structure
- two level structure
- none of these
476. With round-robin CPU schedulingin a time shared system
- using very large time slices degenerates into First-Come first served Algorithm
- Using extremely small time slices improves performance
- Using very smalltime slices degenerate into Last-in-First-Out algorithm
- using medium sized time slices leades to shortest Request time first algorithm
477. The portion of the process scheduler in an operating system that dispatches processes is concerned with
- Activating suspeneded I/O-bound processes
- Temporarily suspending processes when CPU load is too great
- assigning ready processes to the CPU
- all of the above
478. Followingg is the correct definition of a valid process transition within an operating system
- wake up : ready - running
- dispatch: ready - running
- block : ready - blocked
- timer run out : ready - blocked
479. I/O redirection
- implies changing the name of a file
- Can be employed to use an exiting file as input file for a program
- Implies connection to programs through a pipe
- None of the above
480. When an interrupt occurs, an operating system
- ignores the interrupt
- always changes state of interrupted process after processing the interrupt
- always resumes execution of interrupted
- may change state of interrupted process to blocked and schedule another process