Basic Operating System MCQ
Basic Operating System MCQ
481. Thrashing
- reduces page I/O
- Decrease the degree of multi-programming
- Implies execessive page I/O
- Improve the system performance
482. Dirty bit for a page in a page table
- helps avoid unnecessary writes on a paging device
- helps maintain LRU information
- allows only read on a page
- none of the above
483. A set of resources allocations such that the system can allocatte resources to each process is some order, and still avoid a dead lock is called
- unsafe state
- safe state
- Starvation
- Greedy allocation
484. A disk sheduling algorithm in an operating system causes the disk arm to seek back and forth access the disc surface servicing all request in its path, this is a
- first come first served
- shortest seek time first
- scan
- None of these
485. An attached processor
- is used one only a few computers
- causes all processor to function equally
- is more difficult to implement than a co-processor
- is used only for limited, specific functions
486. Process is
- a program in high level language kept on disk
- contents of main memory
- a program in execution
- a job in secondary memory
487. Situations where two or more processes are reading or writing some shared data and the final result depends on who runs precisely whch are called
- race condition
- critical sections
- mutual exclusions
- message passing
488. Producer consumer problem can be solved using
- Semaphores
- Event counters
- Monitors
- All of the above
489. The strategy of allowing process that are logically run able to be temporarily suspended is called
- preemptive scheduling
- Non premptive scheduing
- Shortest job first
- First come first served
490. Moving process from main memory to disk is called
- Scheduing
- Cache
- Swapping
- Spooling