Basic Zoology MCQ Question and Answer
Basic Zoology MCQ Question and Answer
31. Milk tastes sour when kept in the open for sometime due to for-mation of—
- Carbonic acid
- Lactic acid
- Citric acid
- Malic acid
33. A type of hypersensitivity to allergen in which humoral antibodies attach to mast cells and basophils, may result in circulatory shock, is called—
- Orthopnea
- Anaphylaxis
- Rhinitis
- Immunologic surveillance
34. Organisms with very high intrinsic growth rates have—
- Long generation times
- Short generation times
- No courtship behaviours
- No carrying capacity
35. Which of the following organism is iteroparous ?
- Pacific salmon fish
- Virus
- Bacteria
- Humans
36. A micromutation is—
- Polyploidy
- Addition of chromosome
- Deletion of chromosome
- Change in gene frequency
37. The limited period of sexual receptivity that occurs around the time of ovulation in all
female mammals except humans is called—
female mammals except humans is called—
- Menstruation
- Luteinization
- Oogenesis
- Estrus
38. The rate and force of the heart-beat, and the secretion of digestive glands are controlled by—
- Central nervous system
- Spinal nerves
- Cranial nerves
- Autonomic nervous system
40. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibres are—
- Adrenergic
- Cholinergic
- Both (A) and (B)
- None of these