Computer-Awareness MCQ For Bank Exams

Computer-Awareness MCQ For Bank Exams
151. A method of using a communication channel in which signals can be transmitted between a source and a destination in both directions simultaneously is called
  • Full duplex
  • half duplex
  • Quarter duplex
  • None of these
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152. A sequential electronic circuit which can be placed in one out of two stable states where each state may be used to represent a binary digit is stated as
  • Integrated circuit
  • Fimware
  • Flip-flop
  • None of these
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153. A Sequence of instruction (software) that is substituted for hardware and stored in read onymemory (ROM) is called
  • Integrated circuit
  • Firmware
  • Integrated circuit
  • None of these
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154. Anonymous FTP is the
  • Internet file transfer protocol
  • Protocol that requires password
  • None access files
  • None of these
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155. EFF sites allows anonymous FTP that
  • Do not require a password or access
  • Requires password or access
  • is a none access file
  • None of these
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156. ANSI is
  • Americal national Standards institute
  • A USA based nationalj organization that establishes uniform standards in several fields of computers
  • Both A & B are true
  • None is true
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157. APL is
  • A high level language for specifying complex algorithms.
  • A real-time language primarily for scientific applications.
  • Only A is true
  • Both A & B are true
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158. The overall design, construction, organization and interconnecting of the various components of a computer system is referred as
  • Computer Architecture
  • Computer Flow chart
  • Computer Algorithm
  • None of these
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159. Asynchronous communication is
  • Communication between independently operating units
  • Communication between dependent operating units
  • Communication between independent and dependent operating units
  • None of these
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160. Audio response is
  • Output medium
  • Produces verbal responses from the computer system
  • Both A & B
  • None is true
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