Computer-Awareness MCQ For Bank Exams

Computer-Awareness MCQ For Bank Exams
201. Following is not the from of secondary storage
  • Magnetic tape
  • CD'S
  • Disk
  • hard dish
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202. Technique of placing software/ programs in a ROM semiconductor chip is called
  • PROM
  • firm ware
  • microprocessor
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203. Following is not true for magnetic tape
  • Low cost
  • direct-access storage medium
  • compact and portable
  • highly reliable
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204. The following is an nonvolatile memory
  • ROM
  • RAM
  • LSI
  • VLSI
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205. The ____________can be programmed one time by either the manufacurer or the cmputer user. Once programmed, it cannt be modified.
  • RAM
  • ROM
  • PROM
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206. Which of the following is not true of a magnetic disk ?
  • users can updata records by writing over the old data
  • It provides sequential access to stored data
  • It is slow relative to magnetic tape
  • All of the above are true
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207. Which of the following was (were) not used in first-generation computers ?
  • vacuum tubes
  • punch cards
  • magnetic core
  • all of the above
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208. Following is not true for backup files
  • These are the files which are generated automatially in when oe saves a document.
  • These files help in protecting the document due to out of order of the computer or power failure.
  • These files delete as soon as computer is turned off
  • None of these
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209. Bandwidth is
  • The range of frequencies available for data transmission
  • Data transmission rate
  • Alternate for rubber band
  • None is true
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210. A coding structure in which characters are represented by means of a series of parallel bar is
  • Bar code
  • Menu bar
  • Numeric bar
  • None of these
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