English:one word Substitution

English:one word Substitution
21. Mania for stealing articles
  • Logo mania
  • Nymphomania
  • Kleptomania
  • Hypomania
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22. One who loves all and sundry
  • Optimist
  • Humanist
  • Altruist
  • Philanthropist
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23. A person living permanently in a certain place
  • Native
  • Resident
  • Domicile
  • Subject
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24. Acutely affected by external impressions
  • Ingenious
  • Impressionable
  • Credulous
  • Sensitive
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25. An assembly of hearers
  • Audience
  • Crowd
  • Congregation
  • Assemblage
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26. One who is unrelenting and cannot be moved by entreaties
  • Inexorable
  • Infallible
  • Impregnable
  • Inexplicable
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27. Person who claims to have great love for and understanding of what is beautiful
in nature, art etc.
  • Critic
  • Aesthete
  • Connoisseur
  • Artist
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28. An animal story with a moral
  • Fable
  • Tale
  • Anecdote
  • Parable
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29. Person who believes that God is everything and everything is God
  • Agnostic
  • Theist
  • Pantheist
  • Pantechnicon
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30. Witty, clever retort
  • Sarcasm
  • Repartee
  • Platitude
  • Invective
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