English:one word Substitution
English:one word Substitution
31. Simplest and smallest form of plant life, present in air, Water and soil; essential to
Life but may cause disease
Life but may cause disease
- Virus
- Amoeba
- Bacteria
- Toxin
32. A person who regards the whole world as his country
- Patriot
- Nationalist
- Cosmopolitan
- Metropolitan
37. A formal written charge against a person for some crime or offence
- Accusation
- Indictment
- Allegation
- Acrimony
38. Belief or opinion contrary to what is generally accepted
- Unbelief
- Superstition
- Non conformity
- Heresy
40. A person who kills somebody especially for political reasons.
- Criminal
- Murderer
- Assassin
- Hangman