General Awareness MCQ
General Awareness MCQ
202. Mixed Economy means—
- Co-existence of small and large industries
- Promoting both Agriculture and Industries in the economy
- Co-existence of public and private sectors
- Co-existence of rich and poor
204. ‘Pure Banking, Nothing Else’ is a slogan raised by—
- ICICI Bank
- HDFC Bank
- UTI Bank
205. In the end of March 2008, External debt to GDP ratio in India stood at—
- 18·8%
- 17·4%
- 17·8%
- 15·8%
206. Indian State having the lowest Infant Mortality Rate is—
- Maharashtra
- Goa
- Gujarat
- Kerala
207. ‘Smart Money’ is a term used for—
- Internet Banking
- Credit Card
- Cash with Bank
- Cash with Public
208. Which of the following has the maximum share in GSM Mobile Phone Service Market ?
- Vodafone (earlier Hutch)
- Airtel
- Reliance
209. The main objective of TRYSEM was—
- To train rural youth for self employment
- To train urban youth for self employment
- Both of the above
- None of these
210. The establishment of IORARC (Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation) was officially declared on—
- March 5, 1996
- March 5, 1997
- April 1, 1997
- August 15, 1947