General Awareness MCQ
General Awareness MCQ
301. The three leading petroleum producing countries in correct descending order are—
- Saudi Arabia, U.S.A. and Russia
- U.S.A., Saudi Arabia and Iran
- Saudi Arabia, U.S.A. and Iran
- U.S.A., Saudi Arabia and Mexico
304. Which one of the following States has the highest percentage of Scheduled Caste population ?
- Tamil Nadu
- Punjab
- Rajasthan
- West Bengal
305. The Indian National Congress was founded by—
- Lala Lajpat Roy
- Lord Dufferin
- Lord Ripon
- Allen Octavian Hume
307. In which state are the Mahadeo hills located ?
- Bihar
- Rajasthan
- Madhya Pradesh
- Chhattisgarh
308. From economic point of view the most important rocks of India are—
- Dharwar
- Gondwana
- Vindhyan
- Cuddappah
309. To which of the following did Aurangzeb give title Deen Panah ?
- Mohammad Azam
- Azam
- Kam Bakhash
- None of the above