Law Exam Question and Answer
Law Exam Question and Answer
261. A is only charged with theft and it appears that he committed the offence of criminal breach of trust. In this context, which one of the following is correct ?
- He may be acquitted
- He may be convicted only of theft
- He may be convicted of criminal breach of trust
- He may not be convicted of criminal breach of trust
262. A Magistrate has power to deal with urgent cases of apprehended danger or nuisance under—
- Section 133, Cr.P.C.
- Section 144, Cr.P.C.
- Section 145, Cr.P.C.
- Section 107, Cr.P.C.
263. An offence of bigamy punishable under Section 494, I.P.C. was committed by A in Patna. The place where A resided with his first wife B was Gaya and the place where his first wife took up a permanent residence after the commission of the offence is Bhagalpur. The offence may be inquired into or tried by a court of competent jurisdiction at—
- Patna
- Bhagalpur
- Gaya
- All of the above
264. Which of the following Magistrates have power to prohibit repetition or continuance of public nuisance ?
1. District Magistrate
2. Sub-Divisional Magistrate
3. Judicial Magistrate
4. Executive Magistrate duly empowered in this behalf
Codes :
1. District Magistrate
2. Sub-Divisional Magistrate
3. Judicial Magistrate
4. Executive Magistrate duly empowered in this behalf
Codes :
- 1 and 4
- 2 and 3
- 1, 2 and 4
- 1, 2, 3 and 4
265. A is accused of receiving stolen goods knowing them to be stolen. He offers to prove that he refused to sell them below their value. He may—
- Not prove this statement
- Prove if it is relevant otherwise than an admission
- Prove it as it is explanatory of conduct influenced by facts in issue
- None of the above
266. Which one of the following statements is correct ?
- An admission by a guardian and litem against a minor is evidence
- Admission on a point of law made by a pleader in court on behalf of the client is evidence
- Admission by one of the several defendants in a suit against another defendant is evidence
- Admission of fact made by a pleader in court on behalf of his client is evidence
267. Which one of the following is the true statement in relation to the relevancy of character ?
- In criminal cases, previous good character is irrelevant
- In criminal proceedings, previous bad character is relevant
- In civil cases, character to prove conduct imputed is relevant
- In civil cases, character of any person affecting the amount of damages is relevant
268. No confession made to a police officer shall be proved as against a person accused of any offence.
The rationale of this rule is stated in—
The rationale of this rule is stated in—
- Queen Empress V s . Abdullah
- Queen Empress Vs. Babulal
- Queen Vs. Lillyman
- Pakla Narayan Swamy Vs. Emperor
269. Assertion (A) : Section 91 and 92, Evidence Act should be read together.
Reason (R) : These two Sections supplement each other.
Codes :
Reason (R) : These two Sections supplement each other.
Codes :
- Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
- Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
- A is true but R is false
- A is false but R is true
270. Where a bill of exchange is drawn in a set of five, how many of them need to be proved ?
- Five
- Three
- One
- Two