Mental ability-Analogy MCQ Question and Answer

Mental ability-Analogy MCQ Question and Answer
141. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.

Perch : Fresh water : : ? : Salt water
  • Crocodile
  • Frog
  • Cod
  • Snake
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142. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.

Ornithologist : Birds : : Anthropologist : ?
  • Plants
  • Animals
  • Mankind
  • Environment
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143. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.

Ice : Coolness : : Earth : ?
  • Ocean
  • Forest
  • Weight
  • Gravitation
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144. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.

Ocean : Pacific : : Island : ?
  • Greenland
  • Ireland
  • Netherlands
  • Borneo
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145. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.

Meat : Vegetarian : : Liquor : ?
  • Insane
  • Introvert
  • Teetotaller
  • Foolish
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146. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.

Accommodation : Rent : : Journey : ?
  • Expense
  • Octroi
  • Freight
  • Fare
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147. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.

Deep : Shallow : : Freedom: ?
  • Prison
  • Discipline
  • Convict
  • Democracy
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148. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.

Head : Cap : : Finger : ?
  • Glove
  • Thimble
  • Nail
  • Thumb
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149. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.

Proteins : Growth : : Carbohydrates : ?
  • Energy
  • Strength
  • Resistance
  • Diseases
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150. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.

Wax : Wane : : Zenith : ?
  • Nadir
  • Bottom
  • Fall
  • Depth
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