Mental ability-Analogy MCQ Question and Answer
Mental ability-Analogy MCQ Question and Answer
161. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.
Deciduous : Willow : : Coniferous : ?
Deciduous : Willow : : Coniferous : ?
- Lime
- Spruce
- Oak
- Elm
162. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.
Earth : Sun : : Moon : ?
Earth : Sun : : Moon : ?
- Orbit
- Sky
- Star
- Earth
163. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.
Palaeography : Writings : : Ichthyology : ?
Palaeography : Writings : : Ichthyology : ?
- Fishes
- Whales
- Oysters
- Mammals
164. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.
Bird : Wing : : Fish : ?
Bird : Wing : : Fish : ?
- Gill
- Fin
- Tail
- Scale
165. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.
Ottawa : Canada : : Canberra : ?
Ottawa : Canada : : Canberra : ?
- Argentina
- Switzerland
- Sri Lanka
- Australia
166. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.
Fruits : Basket : : Fishes : ?
Fruits : Basket : : Fishes : ?
- Rip
- River
- Seine
- Rill
167. Which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the first two bear.Select the best alternative.
Roentgen : X-rays : : Becquerel : ?
Roentgen : X-rays : : Becquerel : ?
- Uranium
- Radioactivity
- Fission
- Superconductivity