Microsoft Access MCQ Question and Answer
Microsoft Access MCQ Question and Answer
41. In Access press to Switch from the Visual basic Editor back to form or report Design view
- F6
- F7
- F8
- None of these
42. Switch from the Visual Basic Editor back to form or report Design view in Access press
- ALT + F11
- SHIFT + F17
- A and B both are true
- None is true
43. In Access press to Move to the previous page of the wizard
- ALT + N
- ALT + B
- ALT + F
45. In access press UP ARROW or CTRL + UP ARROW
- Move the selected control to the right (except controls that are art of a layout)
- Move the selected control to the left (except controls that are part of a layout)
- Move the selected control up
- None of these
46. In Access press DOWN ARROW or CTRL + DOWN ARROW
- Move the selected control to the right (except controls that are part of a layout)
- Move the selected control to the left (except controls that are part of a layout)
- Move the selected control up
- None of these
47. In Access to increase the height of the selected control
- None of these
48. In Access press F11 to
- Toggle the Navigation Pane
- Cycle between open windows
- Restore the selected minimized window when all windows are minimzed
- Turn on Resize mode for the active window when it is not maximized; press the arrow keys to resize the window
49. In Access press CTRL + F6 to
- Toggle the Navigation Pane
- Cycle between open windows
- Restore the selected minmized window when all windows are minimized
- Turn on Resize mode for the active window when it is not maximized; press the arrow keys to resize the window
50. In Access press ENTER to
- Toggle the Navigation Pane
- Cycle between open windows
- Restore the selected minimized window when all windows are minized
- Turn on Resize mode for the active window when it is not maximized; press the arrow keys to resize the window