Microsoft-PowerPoint Question and Answer
Microsoft-PowerPoint Question and Answer
61. In Microsoft Powerpoint the following is not a way to cut ext
- Select the text and press the delete button
- Select the text and select edit. Cut from the menu
- Select the text and click the cut button on the toolbar
- Select the text and press Ctrl + X
62. In Microsoft powerpoint which of the following can you use to add times to the slides in a presentation
- Slice Show menu
- Rehearse timing button
- Slide transition button
- All of the above
63. In Microsoft Powerpoint in order to edit a chart, you can
- Triple click the chart object
- Click and drag the chart object
- Double click the chart object
- Click the chart object
64. In Microsoft Powerpoint an image is selected, it displays which of the following ?
- Two corner handles
- Six middle handles
- Eight sizing handles
- Six boxes
65. In Microsoft Powerpoint material consisting of text and numbers is best presented as
- A table slide
- A bullet slide
- A title slide
- All of the above
66. In Microsoft Powerpoint is a motion path
- A type of animtion entrance effect
- A method of advancing slides
- A method of moving items on a slide
- All of the above
67. In Microsoft PowerPoint what i a slide-title master pair ?
- The title area and text area of a specific slide
- A slide master and title master merged into a single slide
- A slide master and title master for a specific design template
- All of above
68. In Microsoft Powerpoint the following should you use if you want all the slide in the presentation to have the same "look"
- The slide layout option
- Add a slide option
- Outline view
- A presentation design template
69. In Microsoft Powerpoint in the context of animations, what is a trigger ?
- An action button that advances to the next slide
- An item on the slide that performs an action when clicked
- The name of a motion path
- All of above
70. In Microsoft Powerpoint if you have a powerpoint show you created and want to send using email to another teacher you can add the show to your email message as
- Inclusion
- Attachment
- Reply
- Forward