Software Engineering MCQ

Software Engineering MCQ
201. Implementation phase is
  • Period in the software life cycle in which a software product is creaed from design documentation and debugged.
  • Period in the software life cycle in which a software product is interated in its operational environment, and tested in this environment to ensure it performs as required.
  • Period in the software life cycle during which the basic version of a software product is adapted to a specified set of operational environments and is distributed to a customer base.
  • None of these
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202. Evolability is
  • Trustworthiness with which a system or component can be modified to take advantage of new software or hardware technologies
  • An error of some kind or an unexpected event occurs during the execution of a program
  • Here the objective of the process is to work with uses to explore their requirement and deliver a final system.
  • Possible loss or harm in computing system.
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203. Match the following A- Functional requirements: B- Functional scope : C- Function-point count: D- Function-related measures: 1- It describe the functionality or services that system is expected to provide. 2- Range to which a system component is capable of being applied. 3- These are language independent productive measure.. 4- It is related to the overall functionality of the delivered software.
  • A-4,B-2,C-3,D1
  • A-2,B-1,C-3D-4
  • A-1,B-3, C-2, D-4
  • A-1, B-2,C-3, D-4
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204. Lehaman's Second Law (Lehman and Bleady 1985 ) is
  • Continuing change: A program used in real-world environment must change necessarily or become progressively less useful in that environment.
  • Increase complexity: As an evolving program change, its strictures tend to become more complex. Extra resources must be devoted to preserving and simplifying the structure.
  • Large program evolution: Program evolution is a self-regulating process.
  • None of these
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205. Hazard probability
  • Hazard cannot arise due system design.
  • The probability of event occuring which create a hazard.
  • An assessment of the worst possible damage, which could result from a particular hazard.
  • A condition with the potential for causing or contributing to an accident.
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206. Flexibility
  • The software and hardware system architectures that provide explicit support for tolerance, which includes software redundancy and fault-tolerance controller that detects problems and supports fault recovery
  • It is an initial step for requirements engineering process, includes the outline description of system, it use in an organization and recommending the system feasibility.
  • Trustworthiness with whch a system or component can be modified for use in applications or environments other than those for which it was specifically designed.
  • None of these
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207. Extendibility is
  • Trustworthiness with which a system or component can be modified to increase its storage or functional capacity
  • Pertaining to a system/component that automatically places itself in a safe operating mode in the event of a failure.
  • Pertaining to a system or component that continues to provide partial operational capability in the event of certain failures.
  • None of these
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208. Generality is
  • Extent to which a system or component performs a broad range of functions.
  • The objective of an organization to achieve.
  • Methods and techniques for converting data to or from graphic display via computers
  • None of these
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209. Feasibility studies
  • The software and hardware system architectures that provide explicit support for tolerance, which includes software redundancy and fault-tolerance controller that tedects problems and support fault recovery
  • It is an initial step for requiremnts engineering process, includes the outline description of system, its use in an organization and recommending the system feasibility.
  • Trustworthiness with which a system or component can be modified for use in applications or environments other than those for which it was specifically designed.
  • None of these
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210. Fan-in is referred to
  • It is a measure of number of fuction that calls some other function.
  • It is measure of number of functions, which are called by a fuction.
  • In it server is only responsible for data management.
  • None of these
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