Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test

BITSAT 2023 Preparation Strategy – Important Topics and Books


BITSAT, or the Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test, is a highly competitive entrance examination for engineering aspirants in India. This exam is held annually and determines the eligibility of a candidate for admission into the prestigious BITS campuses located in Pilani, Goa, and Hyderabad.

The examination is usually conducted in the month of May, and with just a few months left for the 2023 BITSAT, it is important for students to start their preparation now. Here are some tips that can help you prepare effectively for the BITSAT 2023:

  1. Get familiar with the syllabus: Before you start your preparation, make sure you are familiar with the syllabus of the BITSAT exam. The syllabus covers topics from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English proficiency and Logical Reasoning. The syllabus is available on the official BITSAT website and can be accessed easily.
  2. Choose the right books: There are a lot of books available in the market for BITSAT preparation. It is important to choose the right books that are updated and have been recommended by previous BITSAT toppers. Some of the books that are recommended for BITSAT preparation are University Physics by Francis Sears and Mark Zemansky, Physical Chemistry by P. Bahadur and Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee. Solving basic books like NCERTs and the HC Verma is sufficient for the exam preparation.
  3. Create a study plan: It is important to have a structured approach to your preparation. Create a study plan that includes a daily or weekly routine of topics you want to cover and the time you want to dedicate to each subject. Make sure you follow the plan and stick to your schedule.
  4. Practice solving previous year question papers: Solving previous year demo question papers can give you a good idea of the pattern and type of questions that are asked in the BITSAT examination. It can also help you understand the level of difficulty of the exam and how much time you need to allocate to each question.
  5. Take mock tests: Regularly taking mock tests can help you gauge your preparation level and identify the areas where you need improvement. These tests also help you get used to the time constraints of the exam and improve your speed and accuracy.
  6. Focus on speed and accuracy: In the BITSAT examination, it is important to not only have a good understanding of the concepts, but also to be quick and accurate while solving the questions. Practice regularly and make sure you are able to answer the questions within the given time frame.

BITSAT Entrance Question pattern

The BITSAT entrance examination consists of multiple choice questions (MCQs) spread across four sections: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology, and English proficiency and Logical Reasoning.

  1. Physics: The Physics section consists of 40 questions and covers topics such as Mechanics, Waves and Thermodynamics, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents, Optics, and Atomic Physics.
  2. Chemistry: The Chemistry section also consists of 40 questions and covers topics such as States of Matter, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, and Redox Reactions.
  3. Mathematics/Biology: The Mathematics/Biology section consists of 45 questions and covers topics such as Algebra, Trigonometry, Two-Dimensional Coordinate Geometry, Three-Dimensional Coordinate Geometry, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus and Differential Equations, Biology – Diversity of Living Organisms, Structure and Function of Cells, Plant Physiology, and Human Physiology.
  4. English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning: The English proficiency and Logical Reasoning section consists of 15 questions and tests a candidate’s proficiency in English language, as well as their logical reasoning and analytical abilities.

The total number of questions in the BITSAT exam is 150, and each question carries three marks. For each incorrect answer, one mark is deducted. The total duration of the exam is 3 hours. It is important for candidates to have a good understanding of the question pattern and prepare accordingly to maximize their score in the BITSAT entrance exam.

Registration – 31 Jan–9 Apr 2023

Admit card available – Likely May–Jun 2023

Exam – Likely May–Jun 2023

Check the official website –

BITSAT 2023 is just around the corner, and it is important for students to start their preparation as soon as possible. Following these tips can help you prepare effectively for the exam and increase your chances of getting admission into one of the prestigious BITS campuses. Remember, consistency and dedication are the key to success in any examination, including the BITSAT.

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