Database - Managing Database with Oracle
Database - Managing Database with Oracle
1. What type of failure occurs when Oracle fails due to an operating system or computer hardware failure?
- Application failure
- Instance Failure
- Media Failure
- Rollback failure
2. Which statement about sequences is not true?
- A sequence is an object that generates a sequential series of unique numbers.
- Sequences are most often used to provide values for surrogate keys.
- NextVal and CurrVal are both sequence methods.
- Sequences guarantee valid surrogate key values.
3. Which prefixes are available to Oracle triggers?
- :new only
- :old only
- Both :new and :old
- Neither :new nor :old
4. In creating a procedure, you may get a message if you have compile errors. Which of the following is true?
- The line numbers reported match the line numbers you see in your text editor.
- SQL*Plus will automatically show the errors to you.
- To see the errors, enter SHOW ERRORS in SQL*Plus.
- If there are no syntax errors, you will receive the message "NO ERRORS."
5. Which of the following is not true about indexes?
- Indexes are created to enforce uniqueness on columns.
- Indexes are created to enable fast retrieval by column values.
- Columns that are frequently used with equal conditions in WHERE clauses are good candidates for indexes.
- Indexes are created with the ALTER TABLE command.
6. Which of the following is not true of SQL views?
- Oracle views cannot use the ORDER BY clause in view definitions.
- Oracle views are created using the standard SQL-92 CREATE VIEW command.
- Oracle views can by queried.
- The SQL-92 standard does not allow the use of the ORDER BY clause in view definitions
7. SQL*Plus will finish the statement and execute it when the user types in this:
- A left slash ( \ ) followed by [Enter].
- A colon ( : ) followed by [Enter].
- A semicolon ( ; ) followed by [Enter].
- A period ( . ) followed by [Enter].
8. Which of the following is NOT an Oracle-supported trigger?
9. After a table has been created, its structure can be modified using the SQL command:
- UPDATE TABLE [TableName].
- MODIFY TABLE [TableName].
- ALTER TABLE [TableName].
- CHANGE TABLE [TableName].
10. Which of the following is not true about modifying table columns?
- You can drop a column at any time.
- You can add a column at any time as long as it is a NULL column.
- You can increase the number of characters in character columns or the number of digits in numeric columns
- You cannot increase or decrease the number of decimal places.