DBMS- Query, Transaction and Serurity Management

DBMS- Query, Transaction and Serurity Management
1. Query processing is the procedure of selecting the most appropriate plan that is used in responding to a database request
  • TRUE
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2. Execution plan is a series of query complication steps.
  • TRUE
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3. The cost of processing a query is usually dominated by secondary storage access, which is slow compared to memory access.
  • TRUE
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4. The transformed query is used to create a number of strategies called execution (or access) plans.
  • TRUE
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5. The internal query representation is usually a binary query tree.
  • TRUE
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6. A Query is contradictory if its predicate cannot be satisfied by any tuple in the relation(s).
  • TRUE
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7. In which phase of the query processing are the queries that are incorrectly formulated or are contradictory are rejected ?
  • TRUE
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8. Heurisitic rules are used as an optimization technique to modify the internal representation of a query.
  • TRUE
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9. Transformation rules are used by the query optimiser to transform one relational algebra expression into an equivalent expression that is more efficient to execute.
  • TRUE
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10. Systematic query optimization is used for estimation of the cost of different execution strategies and choosing the execution plan with the lowest cost estimate.
  • TRUE
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