DBMS-Distributed Database Systems

DBMS-Distributed Database Systems
1. In a distributed database system, each site is typically managed by a DBMS that is dependent on the other sites
  • TRUE
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2. Distributed database systems arose from the need to offer local database autonomy at gegraphially distributed locations.
  • TRUE
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3. Distributed database systems arose from the need to offer local database autonomy at gegraphially distributed locations.
  • TRUE
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4. The main aim of client/server architecture is to utilise the processing power on the desktop while retaining the best aspects of centralised data processing.
  • TRUE
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5. Distribued transaction atomicity property enables users to ask queries without specifying where the reference relations, or copies or frangments of the relations, are located.
  • TRUE
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6. Distributed data independence property enables users to write transactions that access and update data at several sites just as they would write transactions over purily local data.
  • TRUE
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7. Distributed data independence property enables users to write transactions that access and update data at several sites just as they would write transations over purely local data.
  • TRUE
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8. Although geographically dispersed, a distributed database system manages and controls the entire database as  single collection of data
  • TRUE
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9. Although geographically dispersed, a distributed database system manages and controls the entire database as a single collection of data
  • TRUE
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10. In homogeneous DDBS, there are several sites, each running their own applications on the same  DBMS software.
  • TRUE
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