Digital Electronics-Code Converts and Multiplexers

Digital Electronics-Code Converts and Multiplexers
21. Why is a demultiplexer called a data distributor?
  • The input will be distributed to one of the outputs.
  • One of the inputs will be selected for the output.
  • The output will be distributed to one of the inputs.
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22. What is the status of the inputs S0, S1, and S2 of the 74151 eight-line multiplexer in order for the output Y to be a copy of input I5?
  • S0 = 0, S1 = 1, S2 = 0
  • S0 = 0, S1 = 0, S2 = 1
  • S0 = 1, S1 = 1, S2 = 0
  • S0 = 1, S1 = 0, S2 = 1
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23. One way to convert BCD to binary using the hardware approach is:
  • with MSI IC circuits
  • with a keyboard encoder
  • with an ALU
  • UART
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24. A microcontroller differs from a microprocessor in that it has several ________ ports and ________ built into its architecture, making it better suited for ________ applications.
  • communication, PROMs, control
  • parallel, logic gates, processing
  • input/output, memory, control
  • data, memory, decoding
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25. How is an encoder different from a decoder?
  • The output of an encoder is a binary code for 1-of-N input.
  • The output of a decoder is a binary code for 1-of-N input.
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26. Why is the Gray code more practical to use when coding the position of a rotating shaft?
  • All digits change between counts.
  • Two digits change between counts.
  • Only one digit changes between counts.
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27. For the following conditions on a 7485 magnitude comparator, what will be the state of each of the three outputs?
A0 = 0    B0 = 1    IA < B = 0
A1 = 1    B1 = 0    IA = B = 1
A2 = 1    B2 = 0    IA > B = 0
A3 = 0    B3 = 0    
  • A = B = 0, A < B = 0, A > B = 1
  • A = B = 0, A < B = 1, A > B = 0
  • A = B = 1, A < B = 0, A > B = 0
  • A = B = 0, A < B = 0, A > B = 0
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28. When two or more inputs are active simultaneously, the process is called:
  • first-in, first-out processing
  • priority encoding
  • ripple blanking
  • first-in, first-out processing or priority encoding
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29. A binary code that progresses such that only one bit changes between two successive codes is:
  • nine's-complement code
  • 8421 code
  • excess-3 code
  • Gray code
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30. Which of the following is not a weighted value positional numbering system:
  • hexadecimal
  • binary-coded decimal
  • binary
  • octal
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