Digital Electronics-Microprocessor Fundamentals

Digital Electronics-Microprocessor Fundamentals
11. When was the first 8-bit microprocessor introduced?
  • 1969
  • 1974
  • 1979
  • 1985
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12. What type of circuit is used at the interface point of an output port?
  • decoder
  • latch
  • tristate buffer
  • none of the above
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13. I/O mapped systems identify their input/output devices by giving them a(n) ________.
  • 8-bit port number
  • 16-bit port number
  • 8-bit buffer number
  • 8-bit instruction
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14. What type of circuit is used at the interface point of an input port?
  • decoder
  • latch
  • tristate buffer
  • none of the above
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15. The register in the 8085A that is used to keep track of the memory address of the next op-code to be run in the program is the:
  • stack pointer
  • program counter
  • instruction pointer
  • accumulator
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16. The control bus and memories share a bidirectional bus in a typical microprocessor system.
  • TRUE
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17. The control bus and memories share a bidirectional bus in a typical microprocessor system.
  • TRUE
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18. All computer programs for a machine are called:
  • software
  • firmware
  • hardware
  • none of the above
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19. The 8085A is a(n):
  • 16-bit parallel CPU
  • 8-bit serial CPU
  • 8-bit parallel CPU
  • none of the above
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20. Because microprocessor CPUs do not understand mnemonics as they are, they have to be converted to ________.
  • hexadecimal machine code
  • binary machine code
  • assembly language
  • all of the above
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