Electrical Engineering- Electric Current and Ohm's Law

Electrical Engineering- Electric Current and Ohm's Law

1. Resistivity of a wire depends on

  • length
  • material
  • cross section area
  • none of the above.
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When n resistances each of value r are connected in parallel, then resultant resistance is x. When these n resistances are connected in series, total resistance is

  • nx
  • rnx
  • x / n
  • n2 x.
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Resistance of a wire is r ohms. The wire is stretched to double its length, then its resistance in ohms is

  • r / 2
  • 4 r
  • 2 r
  • r / 4.
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Kirchhoff's second law is based on law of conservation of

  • charge
  • energy
  • momentum
  • mass.
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The diameter of the nucleus of an atom is of the order of

  • 10 -31 m
  • 10 -25 m
  • 10 -21 m
  • 10 -14m
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The mass of proton is roughly how many times the mass of an electron?

  • 184,000
  • 184,00
  • 1840
  • 184.
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The charge on an electron is known to be 1.6 x 10-19 coulomb. In a circuit the current flowing is 1 A. How many electrons will be flowing through the circuit in a second?

  • 1.6 x 1019
  • 1.6 x 10-19
  • 0.625 x 1019
  • 0.625 x 1012.
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Two bulbs marked 200 watt-250 volts and 100 watt-250 volts are joined in series to 250 volts supply. Power consumed in circuit is

  • 33 watt
  • 67 watt
  • 100 watt
  • 300 watt.
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Ampere second could be the unit of

  • power
  • conductance
  • energy
  • charge.
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Which of the following is not the same as watt?

  • joule/sec
  • amperes/volt
  • amperes x volts
  • ( amperes )2 x ohm.
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