General Awareness MCQ
General Awareness MCQ
282. Which Article of Indian Constitution says that “no tax shall be levied or collected except by authority of law” ?
- Article 265
- Article 266
- Article 268
- Article 270
284. Which of the following vitamins is not fat-soluble ?
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
285. The poem ‘Pagri Sambhal O Jatta’ which infused patriotic fervour in Punjab during freedom struggle was written by—
- Banke Dayal
- Lala Lajpat Roy
- Sardar Ajit Singh
- Ghulam Kader
286. ‘India’s First War of Independence’ is the book written by—
- Bhupendranath Dutt
- Ganesh Savarkar
- Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
- Lala Hardayal
288. Kaiga Atomic Power Plant is situated in—
- Karnataka
- Maharashtra
- Uttar Pradesh
- Tamil Nadu
289. The maximum number of members that the Legislative Assembly of a State in India can have, is—
- 400
- 450
- 500
- 550
290. Bank rate is the rate at which the Reserve Bank of India provides loans to—
- Public Sector Undertakings
- Scheduled Commercial Banks
- Private Corporate Sector
- Non-Banking Financial Institutions